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Preserve your wines

When we make a wine cellar it's important to plan also the wine preservation.
To help you to have the best preservation of your wines, here is some advice:

The perfect wine cellar

The traditional, buried, wet cellar, in 12°C constant with a ground in hard-packed surface is not unfortunately an option for everybody. But do not panic, there are many solutions to improve an existing cellar or create one within your house or your apartment.
From the insulation to the bottle racks, and the air conditioners, all the equipment necessary for the perfect preservation of your wines is easily available today and will allow you to build a dedicated space where grow up your wines in perfect conditions.

The good temperature for a better preservation

The ambient temperature within your cellar will have a direct incidence on the evolution of your wines. Indeed, the more the temperature rises, the more your wines will evolve fast. But more importantly, the temperature differences can poses more threat to your precious bottles!

Small temperature variations as the seasons go by (some degrees differences) will not cause damage to the wine as long as the temperature does not exceed 18°C. This variation can even allow your wines to live and to be refined quietly.
To maintain a constant temperature in 12°C has interest only for a very long preservation of your wines. At this temperature, the evolution of wines is very slow, so they will take more time to reach their perfect maturity.

Humidity, an oftenly neglected factor

We shall never repeat it enough, the humidity in your cellar is a determining factor of the good preservation of your wines!
Nevertheless, count of amateurs are not conscious of it and care only about the temperature. A too dry cellar will cause irreversible damages to the wine.

Thus it is always good to call back that in the absence of a sufficient humidity (at least 70 %), corks dry and the wine evaporates. As a result, the levels lower and cause a premature oxidation, all the more if the temperature is too high.
So, in the first signs of an insufficient humidity, it is recommended to react as quickly as possible, for example by watering the ground of your cellar.
A too high humidity will never cause damages to wines. It can,on the other hand, damage labels. But this problem can be solved by surrounding your bottles of clingfilm, what will have the effect of creating a barrier between the label and the humidity.

The light, an other threat for the preservation of your wines

A long exposure to the light can be fatal to the good preservation of the wine, all the more for white wines which might take a "taste of light".
The white glass bottles, allowing to pass more ultraviolet rays, tend to be more subject to this problem.
It is the reason which urges a large number of producers to market their bottles packed in the tissue paper.

So it's essential that your cellar is the darkest possible, and equipped with bulbs of low intensity.

What format ensures the best wine storage?

All experts are formal, biggest bottles insure better preservation!
For conservation of over 10 years, so we advise you to opt for a magnum or larger.

The team is at your disposal for any cellar installation advice: supplier selection, custom installation, etc ...

The wine maturation period: the question facing all lovers

The optimal duration of a wine storage is not engraved in stone. Indeed, in addition to its initial potential, the wine storage is strongly influenced by its storage conditions.
It is advisable to ensure the best possible conditions of conservation and monitor regularly the status of your bottles.
Under good conditions, some wines may even keep some youth after 100 years of aging.

Rent of a cellar or apartment cellar?

For wine lovers living in apartment or those not wishing to build a wine cellar in their house, the apartment cellar is an excellent solution.
With a lot of designs, volumes and varied prices, a large number of models are marketed can fit to most of the needs.

In every case, it is imperative to determine clearly your needs before opting for a model, especially if your objective is to keep wines for a long period.
For a long guarding, you will have to opt for a high-end model which will guarantee a constant temperature, a control of the humidity as well as the asbence of vibrations.
The down-market models have properties closer to a mini refrigerator, so they will only allow a short-term preservation.

f your needs cannot be satisfied by the purchase of an apartment cellar, you have the option to rent a cellar.
Unfortunately, you can only find this type of service in big cities.
On the other hand, the rent of a space of storage in a cellar can offer you some guarantees and services as insurance against theft and degradation of your bottles or the delivery of your wines to your place of residence.

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